May 4, 2024
Joining a new team, meeting a new mentor, and having new buddies—those are what just spring into my mind.
May 17, 2023
This approach allows for styling the container without needing a custom Angular tag. Instead, the component's template is rendered within the native tag that the component is used on. Thank to this great idea, I have created a dynamic form input that is highly customizable and easy-to-use.
March 14, 2023
CURD operations implementation is a very familiar job in web development. In many cases, on the client side, we need to use a form template in both the create page and edit page of an object. Especially with a complicated form that we should put in a separate routing component, having a base form component is surely beneficial.
January 3, 2023
Most of the time in my college days, I had been learning about the binary tree, where each node has no more than two children. In my work, I more often see a tree with tons of children in a single node, though. In this article, I am going to use Typescript.