Yes, there is no stupid questions but there are always good questions

May 4, 2024

Joining a new team, meeting a new mentor, and having new buddies—those are what just spring into my mind.

Always try to solve the problem yourself first

Before asking questions, it is important to take some time to try and find the solution on your own. There are always Google, GPT, StackOverflow, etc available.

Summarise your work

Take a moment to summarise your efforts so far. This helps to clarify your thoughts and can often lead you to identify potential solutions. People do not want to hear your whole journey, so at least do not let them give up before understand you.

Provide as much information as you can

When asking a question, make sure to include all relevant information. This can help others understand your problem more clearly and provide a more accurate solution. Remember, the more specific your question, the better the answer you'll receive.

You might have the answer before you ask

Often, in the process of formulating your question, you might have the answer by your own. This method, known as Rubber Duck Debugging, emphasises the importance of taking the time to think about your problem clearly.